
Who I was Before

I shared a question box story on my instagram last week, one struck my attention.

Who were you before you were a mom?

I hadn’t realized that since growing my account I didn’t even introduce myself or let you know who the person behind the camera even was, shame on me.


Well, its no secret I love taking photos. I never knew I loved doing that until I just started to open my camera app more frequently. I knew I always wanted to capture the best of every moment. Watching my kids grow was one of those reasons.

Before I had interest in influencing and photos, even before kids, at 18. I was that nerd. For years I was always testing out new games and up all night defeating story campaigns on first person shooter games. From game boys, the evolution of electronics was my main focus. New games, new consoles. I never went anywhere or did anything I just wanted to come home from school and turn on the X Box. After I had Kayden I got on less but still played every now and again. Then slowly after having Bella and Layla years later, playing dissipated.

Now my mind is more set on my camera and its such a crazy difference. When does a mom of four have time for the video games between all the laundry and dishes, anyways?!

So here I am in all my glory, a breastfeeding mom of four, sitting at 2 am, blogging. I wouldn’t change my life for anything.

Now I bake! And I change diapers, and make meals that little angry people don’t eat. Thy ask for juice all day. Ugh so frustrating they always critique my work.

But, they’re the best people to ever come into my life, not to mention they give the BEST hugs.

My mother always told me before labor,

“You were born to be a mother.”

I think she was right.

Until next time

Xo Hanna ✨